The Annoying Story Of...
Mike the TV
That's right! It's a story about the life and times of Mike the TV that you didn't see! With guest appearences by me, Albert Einome, A_E. Okay? Let's begin, then.
Mike: Hello Mainframers! I'm Mike and I just want to say...
A_E: Hey, Mike. You're not on yet. I need to tell them what this is about.
Mike: What? It's right up there! See? It says, "That's right! It's a story..."
A_E: I know what it's about! And so do they!
Mike: No they don't! That up there is not very much!
A_E: Wait. You're agreeing with me! Hey, is that in the script?
Mike: TVs don't have scripts! We are the scripts! Bow down to me, lowly script follower!
A_E: Whatever. Hey, where's your icon?
Mike: Icon? (goes into a confused state) Icon? Icon? Icon? (continues repeating)
A_E: Well, now that that's over with, let's start this story. It all began a long long time ago in a Gateway right next to this Pentium...
A_E: (in the background) Mike was annoying Mainframers like he always did.
Mike: Hey! Wanna play Phong's favorite game, which a much more easier opponent? Who could be eaiser than me?
Binomes: Mike!
Mike: All I'm trying to give is some wonderful...
Binome: Entertainment? I think not? Pack your bags, you're going out of here!
Mike: But how will I get out?
Binomes: Let's delete him!
A_E: So that's what happened, oh, every day for Mike. He'd annoy people, almost get deleted, etc. etc. etc. Then Bob came to town. (This is after "The Tearing")
Mike: Hello Guardian Bob! I must let you know that I have the Guardian channel on right now, listen! *Hello. I'm Bob. If any cute sprites are out there, my number is...*
Bob: Mike! Glitch,...
A_E: And once again, Mike was chased around by binomes, and Bob! (Now it takes place after Wizards, Warriors)
Mike: (stopping his break) Boy, I just flew in from Lost Angles, and boy are my arms tired!
Dot, Enzo, Bob: Mike!
Cecil: Will you all be quiet?
Mike: Okay, okay. NOT!
Dot: Cecil? Can you punch?
Cecil: No, but...
A_E: So, Mike lived his life like he always had done, until... (sometime when Enzo was away in the Games)
Mike: Hey, binomes and sub-routines! I must say, you like a good crowd tonight!
Megabyte: Mike! (slashes out claws, then puts them back) I'll make you a deal.
Mike: A deal is good! What is it?
Megabyte: You shut up and I give you a lot of power.
Mike: Shut up? How? No deal.
Megabyte: Then you will be deleted!
A_E: So Mike was chased around by Megabyte. Yay. Now everything is better after End Prog. And I get a part! (Did you think I wouldn't?)
Mike: Everyone is peaceful, sooooo, let's entertain people!
A_E: Mike? I have somezing zat will help you!
Mike: REALLY? Show me, show me!
A_E: Okay! (he holds out a remote control and mutes Mike, then breaks the remote control so Mike is stuck like that forever, and not even Hex wants to bring his voice back)
Bob: Thanks, Albert!
A_E: You are all welcome! (crowd cheers, and we fade to black)
A_E: There! That's Mike's story. Now Mike, I've unmuted you, how did you like it?
Mike: Like it? All that happened to me was I almost got deleted!
A_E: Yes, it shouldn't have been almost...
Mike: I'll say! And me muted! Can they live without me?
A_E: I don't think you want to know. Well thanks!
Mike: Thanks? I haven't... (gets muted)
A_E: Glad that's over. Now let me get started on Hack and Slash's life...