
Now this is divided into helpful sets like the rest of my site! if you're looking for art based on a fanfic, go to my fanfic page.

Cool Drawings (Ones without lines)

1 binomes infected by Theta doing some dirty work -Fun for one, seriousness for the other.

Herr Doktor and Frankenbinome -Just the two of them.

Little Doodles I Made In A Large File -Be amazed!

Mike with a null on his head (heh-heh) -Fun for all! Except Mike, but he realy doesn't count.

The cast of MSLT3K -A_E, DOS, and Matt in thier first ever group picture!

Theta, the virus of System Epson -Ugly, or pretty, depending on who you are.

Photographies (Actual footage of stuff in my house)

A teaser -Yes, it's a hint to the next fic I'm writing. And no, the title will not be what you see.

A picture of myself -No, I don't have big ego. Here I am with Specks and Evil Viral Commander.


Old Drawings (Ones with lines. Yuck!)

5 numeral panicking -AAAA!

8 numeral mopping the floor -Dirty work, but someone's got to do it.

A_Einome with an idea -"Zis iz it!"

Hack and Slash arguing -"You!" "You!" "Why?" "I dunno."

Mike the TV waving -Hi Mike.

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