Reboot Theater 4000
Created by
Phillip LYNX & Zen Zenith
Written by
A_Einome (obviously)
Based on
Mystery Science Theater 3000
Created by
Joel Hodgson
Mike Nelson, Gypsy, Cambot, Crow, Observer, Bobo, Pearl Forrester, Tom Servo, and the Satellite of Love are all properties of Best Brains, Inc. and used without permission (Sna) for non-profit entertainment purposes only.
Also based on
Bob and Megabyte are properties of Mainframe Ent. and are also used without permission (Sna) for non-profit entertainment purposes only. No money for me. Or anyone.
Hath Come v. 4.1.1
Under Viral Rule v. 4.1.2
The Professor v. 4.1.3
Written by
Obviously, this was used with my permission, and the commentary is not intended as an attack on me. I'm not schizophrenic.
Special Thanks
The entire population of Wisconsin
Please don't take offense at MRT4K's material. Any prejudice you see are not of Mike, Bob, or the bots, but of me. Why I am biased about myself is beyond me. This is all in fun, and I enjoyed it.
If you happen
to think this is bad terrible prejudice, as Crow would say,
"Bite me."
If you happen to announce in a public place this is a bad
terrible prejudice, we shall put you on a spaceship and breach
the hull. As Crow would also say, "'Breach Hull:
All Die'. Huh. Even had it underlined!"
This is Copyright A_Einome in the year of 2000. it's mine. Don't be more shameful than you really are and steal it.
"So now what?"