Episode six of the new show:
Mike: Hello everybody. Now, you may be wondering why we haven't been giving you episodes for a long time. Well, it's all Megabyte's fault. You see, Megabyte sent a bug to Mainframe which silenced everything in the system except YOURS TRULY. Luckily, the people of System Epson have captured the bug, and are working on an antidote. The bug had a side effect of putting our writer into hibernation for... oh... 11 months. Yes, it's sad. At least it wasn't for a whole year. But anyway, I think this introduction is too wordy, so let's get to the first part.
The Snatchings Begin
(Dot, Bob, Matrix, etc. are all walking together down a bright and sunny street and Mainframe. Everything is very very quiet. I mean, you could hear a pin drop in Lost Angles. IF IT WAS DROPPED IN BAUDWAY. I mean, this is just SILENT! Obviously they're making a lot of gold, huh? Ha ha ha! Get it? Silence? Gold? Ha ha ha! Okay, let's just write this as a story story instead of a script)
Dot's eye suddenly caught the shape of a large black mass moving straight towards her. She opened her mouth to scream. The rest of the group was looking at a centipede chew a leaf over a rusted sewer grate. The black mass moved towards Dot. He snatched her organizer, than ran very very fast. Dot narrowed her eyes. She then sprinted towards him.
Bob threw his hands up. The centipede was... was... CHEWING ON THE SEWER GRATE! The group watched with more intensity.
Dot ran after the shadow, running into a darker part of Mainframe, with black sky and very little light. Suddenly, she turned and hit a brick wall.
* * *
On the other side of Mainframe, a Portal opened over an unimportant building.
* * *
For no reason whatsoever, Mike the TV started breaking out in an Irish jig.
* * *
Dot lay on the street, unconscious. A large pile of nulls fell on her. They started attaching them to her and getting her energy. And it was very dark in the alley.
* * *
On a level in Floating Point Park, Hex was controlling a lot of nulls. She then decided to lift the pile of nulls that were in the dark alleyway (!) up into the air and throw them in various directions.
* * *
Mouse lay unconscious. The centipede was slowly chewing away at her hair. The others cheered it on silently, if that is even possible.
* * *
Dot was flung up into the air. She was thrown in various directions, all with nulls leeching the energy out of her. She then unattached from the nulls, because they decided that they needed OTHER SPRITE'S ENERGY, and went flying in various directions.
Dot fell towards the ground, straight into Mike the TV, who, for no reason whatsoever, had stopped his jig and had started a Viking routine. Dot woke up right when she hit Mike's pointy helmet.
* * *
Matrix fired Gun in many directions, sometimes hitting Mouse, who would do some involuntary reactions, then be still again. Matrix was trying to get the centipede who was chewing his AndrAIa! That #%&^ing centipede was #(*$(& his *&(& AndrAIa and perhaps #@% should $^#*^ @#^*& his #%@&%!
* * *
Dot flew up towards the sky as an involuntary reaction. I mean, YOU jump high when you step on a nail, right? Well, maybe.
Dot then flew straight towards the portal. She was closing in, closing in, getting closer, and closer, AND CLOSER...
She then flew right past it, missing by centimeters. Or whatever the equivalent is.
A hand then shot out, grabbed her, and then pulled her in. The Portal disappeared.
* * *
Ray, getting a common sense attack, looked up. He looked around, and noticed Dot wasn't there. Unfortunately, his common sense attack wore off right then. He shrugged, then went back to watching Matrix fire his Gun randomly.
* * *
Mike the TV sat in an alleyway. He was unhappy. No one ever listened to him, and even NOW, when he was the only voice in the WHOLE system, STILL no one would. Dot came towards him before, but then she just flew back up. It just wasn't fair. Then a plan formed in Mike's single brain cell. Maybe I should be NICE to them! But then the annoying half-cell spoke up. But once they get their voices back, I'll annoy them! Again! HA HA HA! He abruptly ran away.
The End
Mike: Hee
hee. My plan MUST work! HA HA HA!
A_Einome: Mike, do you really have to do this?
Mike: Uh... yes?
A_Einome: Well, okay then.
Mike: YAY! Now I get to go off and-
A_Einome: OH NO YOU DON'T! I'm SICK AND TIRED of writing in story
form. It's too funny to do it that way. I want to go back to
script form.
Mike: Fine, fine. We'll go to EPSON and see how they are
DOING with their LITTLE thing.
A_Einome: Whatever.
A Bug. A Binome. A Bad Virus. Panic Ensues!
(We're in a
lab in System Epson. That evil bug is encased in a file lock in a
containment chamber in a room with a steel door and one of those
one-way mirrors, which to the bug would look like the wall. The
door too. Obviously safety is key. Scientist binomes are crowded
around a control panel)
Scientist Binome 1: Hmm. It seems the bug is a small, easily made
bug. It was programmed with a C++ programmer, v. 1.09, and it
also seems to have... oh no...
Scientist Binome 2: VIRAL TRACES! Obviously a virus made this
Scientist Binome 3: But WHO could have made it?
Scientist Binome 2: A virus... but who?
(The 3 binomes think. And think some more. Suddenly, they get an
Scientist Binomes: THETA!
Scientist Binome 1: Say... how about we get revenge on Theta?
Scientist Binome 2: What? I don't follow.
Scientist Binome 3: Oh yeah! Fight fire with fire! But who is
going to send the little present?
Scientist Binome 2: Guys, I REALLY don't follow you.
Scientist Binome 1 & 3: YOU.
Scientist Binome 2: WHAT? NO!
(The other two nod. They then, in one very interesting motion,
take the bug out of the room, containment field, and file lock
and safely put it in a box. They wrap it and tie it with a bow.
They shove it into the 2nd Scientist Binome's digits and push him
out the door)
Scientist Binome 1: Well, THAT went well.
Scientist Binome 3: Yep.
(A "DING" is heard)
Scientist Binome 1: Ooh! That must be the antidote!
Scientist Binome 3: I'll take it to the CPUs.
Scientist Binome 1: All right! Have fun!
Scientist Binome 3: Bye!
Scientist Binome 1: No! Don't go out the front! You'll... let him
Scientist Binome 3: Oh right. Bye again! (He rushes to the back
The End
Good old scientists. Always finding cures for ANYTHING.
Mike: Yep.
(A pounding is heard)
A_Einome: Um... hello?
(The door busts open. It's the 2nd Scientist Binome!)
Scientist Binome 2: HELP! My colleagues want me to deliever this
bug to a virus! HELP!
A_Einome: You know, scientists also stick up for each other.
(A_Einome puts in earplugs... wait, does he even HAVE ears?
Anway, he puts them in, and gives the signal to Mike)
ONLY 99.99.99!
Scientist Binome 2: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!
(He runs at top speed towards Eta)
Mike: Hee hee. I can't wait to do that to the Mainframers.
A_Einome: (taking the earplugs out) Mike, you said you'd be nice
until they go their voices back.
A_Einome: Aw, how sweet. You are being nice.
Mike: What? Huh? Oh no! I... um.... WAAAA! (he runs into the next
A_Einome: Phew. That was harder than I thought. Here's the next
(Mike is
running towards the Mainframers. All but Bob, Matrix, and Phong
have collapsed. The centipede is choosing between Matrix, who
shot him a billion times, or Phong, who spilled scalding hot
cocoa on him)
Mike: Hey, trio of people! How about some TV?
(Matrix gets out a large card used for cue cards, and writes,
"MIKE, GO AWAY." He points Gun at Mike. The centipede
seizes this opportunity to start eating Matrix's boots)
Mike: No, no... what show would you like to watch?
(Bob snatches the card. He writes, "NULLIGAN'S ISLAND!"
on it)
Mike: All right then! (he switches to the show)
Nulligan, the Blipper too.
The Unitare, and his wife...
(Bob claps, and then begins to watch. Matrix rolls his eyes, then notices the centipede. He starts shaking his boot wildly, hitting Phong. Phong begins to poke Matrix with the fury of a Poking Master)
Hey.... is that a boat? HEY! HEY! I'm- (he falls into the Energy
Laugh Track: Ha ha hee ha!
Blipper: Hang on, old buddy! (he rushes in and swims towards
Laugh Track: Hoo hee ha ha ha!
The Unitare: I say, it seems Nulligan's drowning for the 54th
time this cycle.
Laugh Track: HA HA HO HA!
A_Einome: Um... is there something wrong?
The Unitare: What are YOU doing here, sonny boy?
Laugh Track: HA HA HA HA HEE HEE!
A_Einome: Well, I suppose since I am the Professor in my other
stories, I'm the Professor here.
Nulligan: Well, that was unexpected. (he takes off his hat to
find a fish in it)
Laugh Track: (pretty much wetting its electronic pants) HAH AH
(abruptly explodes)
Blipper: Well, that's a lot better.
Nulligan: I kinda liked it, Blipper!
(Everyone glares at Nulligan)
A_Einome: My brain has calculated he was a lot better drowning.
Blipper: I agree.
(He throws him back in)
A_Einome: Here, I'll go make a TV that gets PPV!
The Unitare: Hoorah, I say!
(We're now in
the skies above the Energy sea. The CPUs are driving at breakneck
speed. Fortunately, since binomes don't have necks, they are
unharmed. In a containment field is the antidote. The CPUs reach
the Principle Office)
CPU Leader: All right, all we have to do is just drop the flask
on the P. O. and everything will return to normal.
CPU Binome: Really? I thought it would be more complicated than
that. Well, whatever.
(The flask falls onto the Principle Office. Instantly, noise
returns! Sound is abound! Hooray!)
(We now go to Bob. Matrix and Phong have collapsed, and the
centipede is looking for a new victim)
Today has been a good day. We finally got rid of Nulligan. What
should the show be called now?
The Unitare: Hmm....
A_Einome: Perhaps, Castaways?
Blipper: Sure! I'll just go down to the TV studio, and-
(The show
stops. Mike then changes to the ALL-COMMERCIAL CHANNEL)
Bob: Mike! Hey, I have my voice back! But.... I'LL NEVER KNOW
(The centipede stares at Bob, then at Mike. Bob. Mike. Bob. Mike.
It lunges for Mike)
Darn. the contract says we can't kill off Nulligan.
Nulligan: Hooyippee!
A_Einome: I hate you.
Nulligan: YAY!
Bob: You and
I can be best friends, centipede.
(The centipede thinks about it, but then is squashed by
Bob: HEX!
Hex: But it was so.... ugly! EW! IT'S ON MY BOOT! ICKY ICKY ICKY!
Mike: And you think I'm annoying?
Bob: Shut up.
The End
Well, the sound finally came back!
A_Einome: Ya know, Hex, I thought as a virus, you could avoid the
Hexadecimal: Meggys was affected by my Medusa. His bug affected me.
A_Einome: How did you know the bug was from Megabyte?
Hexadecimal: Well, I know my own brother's trickery, and I read
Rebot 5.
A_Einome: That explains it.
Mike: Well, that's all the time we have on Rebot, so join us next
time to see the ill-fated fate of Scientist Binome 2! And Dot!
I own Rebot. Well, the title. Story copyright 2001 by A_Einome. Mike, Bob, Dot, and many other things are properties of Mainframe Ent. Inc. Theta, Epson, and... um, the self-insertion for the commentary is mine. I don't care if you copy this, just as long as you don't get any money off of it. Actually, I don't even care about this WHOLE thing! Does anyone even read these credits? I doubt it. So I can say whatever I want, unless lawyers read it! But how many lawyers will ACTUALLY come to my site? Well, I'm sure some do, so I should probably tailor to their Latin needs. Ipso factum lorem! Quod erat demostratum! Deux ex machina! Carpe diem! MWA HA HA! ¡Mucho gracias!