Reboot: Season 4


If you can help me add any missing stuff, tell me at

For happy Americans on October 19th, 2001, Cartoon Network showed the first two epsiodes of the 4th Season of Reboot. They were a huge success, and made Canadians REALLY mad that they were missing out on it. What followed was a big rush of getting the American's tapes, or burning them onto CDs, so the Canadians wouldn't have to wait a whole month. Sorry, Canadians. I feel for you.

4.1 "Daemon Rising" -Aired

4.2 "Cross Nodes" -Aired

4.3 "What's Love Got to Do With It?" -Airing October 26th at 5 PM EST.

4.4 "Sacrifice" -Airing November 2nd at 5 PM EST.

For Canadians- Daemon Rising (all of it) will be airing on YTV November 18th from 4 till 6 PM, EST. My Two Bobs (the second movie) will be airing November 25th from 4-6 again.

No word if CN will be repeating the movies, or when they will show My Two Bobs.

And now for something completely different...

(Cut to small warehouse. Dr. Dreidel Schnitzel, evil scientist guy, has something to say)

Dreidel: Hello. As an evil genius, I am underappreciated by my peers. Why do you hate me? I have done nothing! But I am about to! At noon, tomorrow, Paris will be struck by a- oh, do I have to? Poo. (monotone) I hope you all watch Reboot, Season 4. It will be so great. I am happy. Woo. Happy. Party on, Garth. Party on, Wayne. I am not worthy- What the heck is this? THAT'S IT, I'M LEAVING! (Dreidel leaves)

Reboot: Season 4.

If mad scientists hard at work on doomsday devices can watch it, you can too.

Und now, a poem. It's an acrostic!

Unrhyming section

D is for Daemon, but we already knew that
A is for Albert, well, that's my first name
E is for Einome, that's my last name too
M is for Matrix, the angsty green sprite he is
O is for Over, many Games have that status
N is for Nulls, they are very squeaky

Rhyming section

R is for Reboot, but we already knew that
I is for Icon, there's one on Enzo's hat
S is for Season, this makes number four
I is for Ian, last name Pearson, hope he makes more
N is for Nothing, which I hope Reboot does not become,
And end it with a G for Gavin, our friendly Reboot... um!



Nothing here yet, because no one's expected anything.


Somehow, A_Einome has managed to get his greedy little fingers on some Reboot binome toys! Now he can study his own kind! In detail! And mix them up and match them up! Isn't it cool?

*SNORK* Sir! Ma'am!

Here is Specks, looking nervous. How normal.

fdsfsfdsjffdsfsds Fox Mulder???

To me, without his glasses, he looks like that Fox Mulder binome. WEIRD.

Hello there, I do believe I'm happy.

Cyrus is looking suave... well... okay, he looks tricky. But tricky-suave-tricky-ish-thing.



Here is a viral commander, ready to kick some bitmap. He does look tired, though... he needs to get more sleep.

Thar be gold in them thar hills!

Here's that prospector dude from the Rocky Raccoon game. He has a lantern, but I'll get to that. He has a backpack full of mining instruments, too!


This har be mah lantern.

Here's the guy's lantern. It came with him, and so did this... thing. Hard to say what it was. Like an icepick. Or something.

Weird... but... weird.

Here's a pic showing how you can rearrange the bodies and heads and eyeblocks to make something else that's... strange. O_o


Finally, the box they all came in. Before I opened it. (Bucket? More like Clear-Plastic-Container, but I guess they couldn't fit that)


If you are smart, you won't go past here


You have seen the movies


You don't care about the whole "spoiling" thing.


"I see my karma is working baby, yeah!"

"There is no past. There is no future."

"How about some downtime?"

"Only several 'undred times"

"The word is Daemon"

"Little Matrix!"


"Bob, help."

"We're online!"

"Phong, Bob's sick."

"What are we going to do?"

"We could go down... together..."

"KNOW HER? I used to live with her!"

Ooh. An hour glass. Like Daemon wears.

What's this about time? No past, or future? Time is running out? Why is time so... PRESENT?

"Tiiiiime is on my site, yes it is..."

*shuts the stereo off*

Next up, take-offs from the first two episodes I found.

Austin Powers- if you didn't see this, you must have missed a lot.

Star Wars- right after that Guardian ship KABLAMS, Guardians come out and delete the binomes. They zap open a door, where the CPUs are lying in wait, like in Episode IV, A New Hope.

Tomb Raider/The Mummy- He's raiding the tomb, but he looks like Brendon Fraiser. I'm confused! Help me here, someone!

The Golden Gun- Matrix was putting it together in the Austin Powers Game. The Golden Pen, the Golden Cigarette Lighter, and the Golden (?) Below is a pic... Lighter on left, Pen top right. What's the other thing? The Godlen Cigarette Case? If so, where can I buy one? ^_^

What the heck is it?

Click here for some screengrabs!

Top 10 List of WHO will be Sacrificed in Sacrifice

10. Phong. He is not a guy to just die. Old people always die from old age. Not from being some hero. NO SIR-E BOB.

9. Hexadecimal. She's just... well... too cool. ^_^

8. Ray. Where WAS he in the first two S4 eps? Huh? He may be expendable, but I don't think he'll be SACRIFICED.

7. Mouse. Sugah, ah don't think that this lil' pretty missy will be bein' sacrificed anytime soon.

6. Little Enzo. He may be "Little Matrix", but still... no.

5. AndrAIa. She's infected! Glory be! Still, I think she'll evade it. Quite easily, in fact. The Mainframers will come up with a way to save her! And she's not just going to SACRIFICE HERSELF!

4. Matrix. Now we're into the likely ones. With all his angst, I think he would. Just to make the world a happy place.

3. That orange-haired Guardian. (name?) He sacrifices himself so Daemon can rule even further!

2. Bob. I think he's pretty likely, seeing as he must save the system. But still, we have My Two Bobs later, so that kind of changes it. Maybe sacrifice just means "be infected so the Mainframers can defeat Daemon, and then be un-infected". I'm hoping so.

And the number one person to sacrifice themself is...



Okay, not really.



Hmm... I've run out of characters, and also, she seems like excellent material. Nothing physical has ever really affected her. She's had too many emotional problems. We need some physical problems to even it up. Seriously. I mean it.

So, there you have it. Disagree all you want, but that's MY side of the story.

Stay Tuned for more updates once 4.3 and 4.4 hit TVs everywhere!

No, I'm not done.

This page won't be done for a LONG time. Expect updates here a lot!

A_Einome out.