Hey, it's time to take a break from the havoc of studing, and eat! Here you can order some food, hear the latest gossip (funny) and have recess. Then go back to work. Oh well. Oh, here's the menu!
Now that you've ordered, let's go to the place where men would most likely not want to go...
*muffled screams emit from one bad SFX station*
Well, it isn't that bad... for girls. Let's listen in on what the ladies are saying:
Girl 1: Like, have you heard about Brad Cunningham's new hairstyle?
Girl 2: Like, yeah! It is soooo last week.
Girl 3: Like, I heard that, like, Paul Honning has a crush on me!
All girls: AAAAA! Ohmygodohmygodohmygod!
Girl 1: You are like, sooooo lucky!
Girl 2: Like yeah!
Girl 4: I, like, heard that, like, Guthrie Adams got a Swirlie!
Girl 3: No way!
Girl 4 : Yes way!
Girl 3: No way!
Girl 4: Like, so totally yes waaay!!!
All girls: Ohmygodohmygodohmygod!
Girl 2: I heard that loser dork Veendil Forkus got a detention for stealing that science class' plans!
Girl 1: Like, I wonder who told on him?
Girl 2: Like, I DID!!
All girls: Ohmygodohmygodohmygod!
Um, that's enough of that... Well, you've had enough time to partly digest (if you can) your food. Let's get some exercise! It's Recess!
Outside, the boys are gathering for the system's greatest kickball game! I wonder what will happen! Will it be the Big Binomes or the Kicking Fiends? I dunno, and I don't care. i'm not into sports, but Mr. Disk is! He's the ref.
Over there some girls are gossiping. I don't think we should listen in, or we'll hear a bunch of "likes" "no ways" and "ohmygodohmygodohmygods".
Other than that, some other boys are not playing kickball but are talking about something else! they are:
*more muffled screams start to emit from the SFX station, but is interrupted by the Small Town Binomes singing 'BSNP' (thank goodness!)*
Let us hear what those nerdy nerds have to say (if we can understand them):
Nerd 1: Hey, I got a Multitex MMX 24KL Megatronİ with a 4 and a fifth Vidwindow capability!
Nerd 2: Fool! The hottest thing on the market is the Maxima LTS 24000 Jutoİ with a 5 and a third Vidwindow capibility!
Nerd 3: Speaking of things hot, punch in this code to get ot the MRI's 24 decoded encypted secret files on the latest Microchip updates: 24OPQ.
Nerd 2: I heard a different way is to punch in 64O4M.
Nerd 4: No, that's to download the Zetina files from the 64th downfall of the Redimadİ JAVA.
Nerd 2: Oh! Thanks.
Nerd 1: Hey, anyone pick up the latest source code destabilizer? I hear it can delete 27 files every nano!
Nerd 3: They're illegal!
Nerd 2: Actually, you can have for 2 seconds before you have to delete it.
Nerd 4: What they don't know is you could do a lot of deleting in 2 seconds!
*laughter comes up, followed by puffs of inhalers and wheezing*
Well, recess is almost over, so this ends lunch. Don't throw up until you reach the Nurse's office, please. Thank you.