
*gag* Not school! YUCK-O! Ah, but this is the funny part of school, or the Reboot part of the school. Perhaps you think there is no fun in school or Reboot. Perhaps you are an idiot. Nonetheless, here are some sections about SCHOOL.

Math 101 -Binary code. How is it used in computers, and how can you use it for your own pleasure?

Science 101 -Debugging that bugging timeframe in Mainframe. (But not with as many puns)

PE -Totally useless unless your computer has crashed. But then you wouldn't be able to see this.

Pop Quiz! -No, don't be afraid! It's about Reboot, and trust me, GRADES ARE NOT AFFECTED!

Lunch -Where the gossip girls, nerds, and other classic sterotypes roam.

After-school Activties -Just another page to fill up space. But is a link on it! Yes!

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