What episode shows the first time Enzo wins a game? Is it...
-- Choose an answer -- The Quick And The Fed Icons Game Over
What class was the virus in "Trust No One"? Was it...
-- Choose an answer -- G K M
Name the episode where we first see Dot's new look (glasses, camo-ish suit) Is it...
-- Choose an answer -- To Mend And Defend Web World Wars Game Over
Who was infected by the web creature that became Gigabyte first? Was it...
-- Choose an answer -- Megabyte Hexadecimal Dot
How many episodes have we seen Feathers, the penguin in? Is it...
-- Choose an answer -- 3 4 5
How many "acts" audtioned for the Talent Show in the episode "Talent Night"? Was it...
-- Choose an answer -- 8 10 11
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